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What is the difference between Ultra Violet and Ozone sterilization in fish ponds?

This article will give you a brief and simple explanation of the differences between UV and Ozone and how they work in-conjunction with purifying pond water.

Firstly let’s talk about Ultra Violet, UV lights work when water from your pond is pumped through an Ultra Violet Sterilizer . Any single-celled, free-flowing algae or bacteria within your pond water are then exposed to high levels of ultraviolet light. This light destroys their DNA and kills them. Ultra Violet Sterilizer units will only treat water that comes in contact with the quartz tube located inside the reaction chamber of the unit, any water that is not/does not come into contact with the quartz tube will not be treated.

What is Ozone?

Ozone, or O3, is a gas that occurs naturally in our atmosphere in the form of oxygen molecules in an electrically charged state. When dissolved in water, ozone decomposes rapidly, forming hydroxyl radicals. Hydroxyl radicals are highly reactive and have a very short lifespan, but they are also potent oxidizers, which are very good at attacking contaminants and safely decomposing organic waste. Once reacted, ozone reverts back to harmless, non-reactive oxygen (O2) molecules. Although ozone systems are commonly used in swimming pools and wastewater treatment due to their powerful disinfection properties, when properly utilized in a pond, they can actually enhance and improve the efficiency of the ecosystem.

Ozone itself doesn’t kill anything, however, the oxidation process to produce ozone has a by-product of pure oxygen, pure oxygen is the molecule that does the business when it comes to killing all the nasty bits. Ozone acts on free-swimming pathogens in the pond water.

The beneficial bacteria that reduce ammonia and nitrite from fish waste and other pollutants live on the pond surfaces and are not affected by ozone. Ozone will not harm any biological filtration.

How to get ozone into my pond?

Well over recent years the MK2 Ozonair Unit has really caused a storm in the koi and fish pond market and rightly so. Not only does this unit do exactly what it says on the tin, but it is also affordable to buy and run to other comparable units on the current market. The unit simply connects in between the air supply pump to the aerator. Treating the air that passes through the unit and dispersed into the water via the aerator. The air bubbles that are expelled from the aerator contain ozone gas. The air bubbles will dissolve/travel around in the pond to kill any nasty pathogens before rising to the pond surface, where the bubbles will pop and expel into the atmosphere as pure oxygen.

So what are the differences between them both?

Uv systems will only treat the water passing through the unit and come in contact with the quartz and exposed to ultraviolet light. Once Ozone is introduced to the pond environment via a Aqua-Sure Ozone unit the gas is dissolved into the water and treating any pathogens it comes in contact with, the gas will travel around the pond, having a far greater surface area for treatment.

Effectively UV only kills particles/organic matter that is already present in the pond and comes in contact with the bulb, ozone on the other hand has a far greater surface area of treatment providing the gas is dissolvent into the water via an aerator. Ozone will treat and sterilize the water and also prevent the further growth of bacterial or organic matter so ozone is not only treating but also preventing pathogens and bacteria. This is what makes the Ozonair Unit so effective against healing any open wounds/ulcers our fish may have.

This article was just to give you a brief understanding of what the key differences are between the two steeple sterilization processes in the koi and pond trade. I recommend the use of an Ultraviolet unit and the addition of the Aqua Sure Ozone unit. To further help purify the water, ensuring all bases are covered when it comes to treating a pond environment.

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